Maybe you’re just now realizing with shock that February has arrived and Valentine’s Day is fast approaching!
To all business owners and marketers (like us the Spiralytics team), Valentine’s Day offers a fine opportunity to rekindle spark with your dearest. By dearest, I mean your customers and clients. (If Valentine’s Day is important to your consumers, shouldn’t it be important to your business too?) This Valentine’s Day, take advantage of the chance to grow your relationship with your beloved supporters while you promote your company. Writing an awesome relationship-building content is absolutely a great strategy!
But how do you beef up your content marketing for Valentine’s Day?
Recognize the Power of Valentine’s Emotions in Your Content Marketing
Here’s one thing you should keep in mind as you plan on what to put together for Valentine’s Day: Content marketing is at its best when it sparks emotions.
According to Bree Nakatani in her blog Understand the Power of Valentine’s Day Emotions in Your Content Marketing, evoking emotions through content marketing is essential to make posts go viral. Why not provide entertaining or heartfelt content that triggers readers to feel emotional engagement between themselves, your business and the holiday? To give you an idea how to win your customers’ hearts this Valentines, check out these awesome content marketing executions!
1. Google’s Valentine’s Day Doodle
Two years ago on Valentine’s Day, search engine Google posted a minute-long animation video that created emotional reactions from the viewers worldwide. The film told the story of a boy trying to win the heart of a girl.
Google’s Valentine’s Day Doodle featured Tony Bennett’s famous song Cold, Cold Heart which helped assist in winning the viewer’s hearts.
Why not come up with your own simple but heart-warming video to connect with your customers? An animation would be a cool idea to show your company’s creativity. Animation provides visual and emotional stimulation, as well as the wow factor your content needs to be remembered. (Source: Valentine’s Day 2012 Google Doodle Animates Tony Bennett’s ‘Cold, Cold Heart’ by Miranda Miller, SearchEngineWatch.com)
2. Scribbler’s Definition of Love
Also on 2012, Scribbler, a UK-based personalized greeting card service, used their blog to ask their audience to share what their definition of “LOVE” is. All the people had to do was visit their blog, and answer these three questions:
The winner received a free iPad mini, and the best answers were compiled in their Valentine’s Day eBook.
This campaign is an excellent idea for anyone trying to expand the top of their funnel. Content marketing with a low time commitment but high level of delight are great ways to make new fans that you can later nurture into customers. (Source: 5 Valentine’s Day Marketing Campaigns That’ll Warm Your Heart by Corey Eridon, HubSpot.com)
3. TheHatePage.com’s 14 Things I Hate About Valentine’s Day
Still clueless how to relate your business to Valentine’s Day? Why not post anti-Valentine’s Day content like what TheHatePage.com did the year 2012? Get in touch with people’s dislike or disgust of the holiday. Topics that allow you to share an alike interest or opinion with your fans and followers bring on engaging conversations. You may include an image or list of things you hate about Valentine’s Day. Engage your audience by posing a question such as, “What do you hate about Valentine’s Day?” or What do you dislike most about Valentine’s Day? (Source: The Power of Valentine’s Emotion in Content Marketing by Cara Tarbaj, SocialMediaToday.com)
I hope these content marketing campaigns have given you some inspiration for your content marketing. Do you know other adorable Valentine’s Day content marketing campaigns? Share them in the comments, and spread the love!